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1 Tiger 21 Members Q2 2024 Asset Allocation (UHNW)
Vanguard, What is Asset Allocation?
2 https://investor.vanguard.com/investor-resources-education/how-to-invest/asset-allocation
Mackenzie Investments, How the sequence of returns can impact your retirement savings
3 https://www.mackenzieinvestments.com/content/dam/mackenzie/en/insights/mi-retire-sequence-returns-en.pdf
Fidelity Research Report, Structuring Income for Retirement
4 https://moshemilevsky.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/WHITEPAPER_2.pdf
CIPF, Coverage Limits
5 https://www.cipf.ca/cipf-coverage/about-cipf-coverage#coveragelimits
Visual Capitalist, Timing the Market
6 https://www.visualcapitalist.com/chart-timing-the-market/
FP Canada, 2024 Financial Stress Index finds 91 per cent of Canadians are taking steps to improve financial wellness amidst stress increase
9 https://www.fpcanada.ca/account/dashboard/fp-canada--2024-financial-stress-index-finds-91-per-cent-of-canadians-are-taking-steps-to-improve-financial-wellness-amidst-stress-increase
RBC Insurance, Individual Income Protection
12 https://mrgwealth.b-cdn.net/Disability%20(1).pdf
13 National Cancer Institute, Cancer Statistics
14 CPP 2024 Annual Report
15 Yale 2022/2023 Financial Statements