Benefits Of Hiring A Financial Planner

Everyone, from retirees to up-and-coming professionals, could benefit from working with a financial planner. While there are costs of hiring such a professional, paying for financial advice can turn into a substantial investment for your future and help you succeed in achieving your goals. 

Written by

Ryan Gubic

Published on


Dec 2020

Everyone, from retirees to up-and-coming professionals, could benefit from working with a financial planner. While there are costs of hiring such a professional, paying for financial advice can turn into a substantial investment for your future and help you succeed in achieving your goals. 

How do you know when it's time to hire a financial planner in Calgary?

Reasons to Hire a Calgary Financial Planner 

There are three key reasons why you should hire a financial advisor: 

  1. You feel 'lost' in the financial world, particularly when planning for your financial future. Essentially, you need a roadmap to a successful retirement. 
  2. You are overwhelmed with the work required to manage your finances and assets.
  3. You believe that having an unbiased professional advisor can help you with your financial planning, opening you up to new opportunities.

If you feel that these reasons relate to you, then it's time to hire a Calgary financial planner. With them by your side, you can get the guidance and support you need to manage your finance. 

Advantages of Hiring a Calgary Financial Planner 

Having a professional advisor by your side means you will experience the following advantages.

Expertise in Financial Matters
The financial market is similar to the legal world: it's complicated and confusing. You might feel lost with all the confusing terms and opportunities. You might struggle with making sound financial decisions because you don't understand what your options are and what the outcome will be. 

A financial advisor knows the best path for you to take. It's their job to stay up to date and ensure they can always provide their clients with the best advice possible. It's this knowledge and proven expertise in this field that you are paying for.

Proactive Service
A top-end financial planner is always working for you. They'll take a deep dive into your financial life and proactively advise you on how you can best approach your situation, offering guidance on ideal strategies to help you achieve the financial goals you have.

If something comes up or your goals change, the advisor can help you get back on track to achieve them. 

Coordinating All Financial Focus 
You may have an accountant already working on your taxes. Or an attorney looking after your business interests. Regardless of the professionals you already have working for you, your financial advisor in Calgary can work with them for you and on your behalf and simplify your financial life. 

This creates a working team that keeps your finances on track, protects your best interests and makes financial coordination more efficient. Significantly, it allows your financial advisor to gain insight into your finances and guide you forward. 

Successfully Achieve Your Goals
It is essential to view hiring a financial advisor as an investment. Bringing on board an expert with knowledge in retirement planning and wealth management in Calgary can ensure that your financial future is secure. 

They'll understand your goals and provide you with independent advice, free from the links to banks and specific products. That way, you get the best possible investment options to grow your wealth. 

Reduce Your Stress
Think of all the free time you'll have if you have a financial planner working for you? They can simplify your financial process while helping you make important decisions about what to do next. 

You'll feel more relaxed and calm, avoiding the stress that comes with handling all your retirement and financial planning on your own. 

Are You Ready to Hire a Financial Planner in Calgary?

If you feel the time is right, then hiring a financial planner is the right move for your future. 

Having an experienced professional by your side can ensure that your assets, income, taxes and finances are properly managed, so you get to build your wealth and enjoy your future. 

Your needs change, but financial advisors didn't. We did. At MRG Wealth Management, our unique approach to wealth management in Calgary can help you achieve your financial and life-long goals. Our financial advisors in Calgary will give you the confidence and clarity to make decisions with your money, so we can get you where you want to be. Our integrated financial management system, simplified process and exclusive strategies can secure your future. Live the life you want with MRG Wealth Management.

If you have questions about financial planning in Calgary and wealth management in Calgary or would like to explore your options, connect with us to speak with a financial advisor in Calgary and get the answers you need to achieve your goals.

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Ryan Gubic is the founder of MRG Wealth Management Inc. operating as MRG Wealth (“MRG”) and is a Portfolio Manager with MRG investments of Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (“ACPI”). The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of MRG, ACPI, or Ryan Gubic. This material is provided for general information and the opinions expressed and information provided herein are subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to compile this material from reliable sources however no warranty can be made as to its accuracy or completeness. Before acting on the information presented, seek professional financial advice based on your personal circumstances. ACPI is a full-service investment dealer and a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”). Investment services are provided through MRG Investments, an approved trade name of ACPI. Only investment-related products and services are offered through MRG Investments of ACPI and covered by the CIPF.  Financial planning and insurance services are provided through MRG.  MRG is an independent company separate and distinct from MRG Investments of ACPI.  Contact your financial advisor in Calgary or your financial planner in Calgary to discuss.

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